Thought you might like to see what we got up to in Thailand. On a visit to one of our suppliers Mark decided to wander around and came across these guys fishing in a rice paddy. It was more of a pit about 5m deep and probably 20m long. Apparently it gets drained once a year and the fish that have grown in that year get harvested..by hand. The drums you see are full of fish and there were about 4 different species, some quite big.
Everyone was very excited to go and have a look but to get to the pit required some deft footwork on a wet slippery log to get to the pit.
Alison very nearly didn't make it and almost ended up having a dip in the rice paddy!! Fortunately her great sense of balance and a little help from a friend meant she stayed dry. But it was close!!
We declined offers to get in the pit and help capture the fish mind you it looked like fun...if only we had a change of clothes! Maybe next time.