Back again after CHA in Orlando. It was great to see all the other exhibitors and meet lots of new people.
Everyone was really helpful and welcoming.
We came away with lots of new customers and some great contacts. We are already planning CHA in Annaheim in January next year!
Had a couple of days R&R at Amelia Island (just Nth of Jacksonville) with a dear friend of Alison's on the way home. Great to relax in the sun and have my first swim in the Atlantic.
Lots of summer storms while we were in Florida which led to our flights being delayed in Jacksonville and Atlanta on the way back and ended up missing our connecting flight to Sydney.
Delta were great once we got to LA and put us up for the day and rescheduled us onto a Virgin flight, so we had the day in LA.
Caught a bus up to Santa Monica and checked out the shops and the Baywatch beach, had a coffee by the beach but didn't get to the water the sand between the water and promenade would have to be about 250-300 metres, my torn calf muscle just wasn't up to the walk thru the sand! Really wanted to swim in both the Atlantic and Pacific within 24 hours.
Over all the jet lag and back into it with a vengeance.
The above shot is from the show, taken on an Iphone so not great quality!